Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. By taking up less than one cubic foot of space and weighing only 12-poun you can put the portable . The IWave Cube , a small portable and compact microwave, was recently featured on The Today Show for the. Sure the first thing that comes to mind is the convenience of having one of these stashed in your office or cubicle for reheating coffee, making Ramen noodles, heating water for tea, exploding a hot dog or just popping some popcorn, but it really can be . One of the more interesting items that I saw in the catalog was the tiny iwave cube portable microwave from icube designs.
Coincidently, a few days after returning from the trip, I was contacted asking if I might like to review this mini appliance.
For something with the prefix “micro-,” one would imagine that they might be, well, small. Cleveland-based iCubed International has finally heeded the demands of the public with the iWave Cube , a 10- by 10. The retail price said its $13 check it out here. A Ramen- ready space-saver that is perfect for a foodaholic that lacks the time or the skills to cook a proper meal. Si tratta di un piccolo forno a microonde (delle dimensioni di una scatola di Kleenex ), dal . Wavecube : il microonde portatile.
Now instead of retreating dejectedly back to the kitchen microwave, where the rest of the appliances can point and make fun, you can hide your shame with the iWave Cube. Perfect for undergrads, the iWave Cube ($at iWaveCube.com) can fit in any dorm room (or your home bar).
From ofice desktops and cubicles to college dorms, home gyms and wet bars and right down to your living room next to the couch or even on your nightstand next to your bed you will now be able enjoy all the benefits a mini microwave that takes up less than a cubic square foot of space can offer. Back to school time is here and most of us are still preparing for the day coming very soon, college kids included. I know personally that a dorm offers little personal space and sharing home living space can be tricky when it comes to keeping your items separate for others. So when we found the iWaveCube I immediately to . For years it sat on the kitchen counter or it sat over the range.
While Dad is toiling away in his home away from home, having his very own personal microwave in his cubicle will certainly bring immeasurable joy. Not all recreational vehicles are created equal. The smaller the RV, the fewer creature comforts are apt to be included. Microwave Mini Microwaves. The smallest microwave ever built called the iWave Cube is being introduced this week.
The tiny one cubic foot microwave is sized to heat your coffee or other small item. The inventor came up with the idea when looking for a way to get a hot towel for his shave. Get the Free Tracker App to find a Nintendo . Argue all you want about it being small and not being able to reheat large amounts of foo but that's sort of the point. The iWave Cube weighs lbs and measures in at 10″x10.
Very lightly use and never for food. I used it for an eye warmer).
This awesome kitchen appliance is a mini microwave compact enough to take with you. This is a very small microwave, 6watts. TreeHugger is always on the lookout for smaller, more space- and energy- efficient versions of the stuff we all use every day.
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