Aux send
An aux - send (auxiliary send) is an electronic signal-routing output used on multi- channel sound mixing consoles used in recording and broadcasting settings and on PA system amplifier-mixers used in music concerts. An “ Aux Send ” is a type of output used on most live sound and recording mixers. It allows you to create an “auxiliary” mix in which you have individual level control over each input channel on your mixer to your “ Aux Send ” output. The aux sends on a mixer work independently of the main mix output and give . Questo fader controlla il livello di mix bus ossia del bus stereo principale.
Possiamo vedere nella figura anche i LED che indicano di volta in volta il livello dei segnali.
Per esempio in fase di missaggio i LED indicano il livello del segnale presente del mixbus. Aux send master: Lo studio di registrazione - Aux send master. Can you explain to me what are? Are they all part of the same thing or completely unrelated?
For more information regarding our mixers please check out our Knowledgebase documents located at the link. How to use a mixers Aux Sends to connect effects units so the units are available on all channels. Ciao ragazzi, vorrei capire bene una cosa visto che finora non ho avuto ben chiara la situazione.
The auxiliary send allows the signal to be split and sent independently to some other location such as a signal processor (reverb, delay, compression) or even to another channel of the mixer.
An output from the mixer which is used to send. Aux sends can be used for a variety of purposes, such as monitor mixes or signal processing (reverb, delay, compression, etc). Each aux send enables you to control the volume of a specific channel, creating a unique mix that is separate from the main mix.
So, if you have four aux sends on your boar you can create four . Each aux send on your mixer enables you to create a unique mix that is different from the main mix. This explains why aux sends are primarily used for monitor mixes. Auxilliary sends are simple processors in a bus or track channel strip.
They tap the signal at a specific point in the signal flow (pre-fader, post-fader, before or after EQs and other plugins, etc.) and send a copy of that signal to a bus , without affecting the normal signal flow downwards to the channel fader. Slang for Auxiliary Sen a circuit pathway (or bus) in a mixing console that supplies an independent mix, which can be routed to an external (auxiliary) device such as an effects processor or monitor system. Most modern consoles have several aux sends on each channel so several devices can process . Aux Send and are always pre-fader, pre-EQ, which is ideal for creating monitor mixes (see letter A in illustration on following page). Aux Send and are always post-fader sends, best for using with effects.
And what of Aux Send and 4? These are switchable, pre- or post-fader, using the Pre button on each channel . Nella situazione tipica, quando il mixer offre due o tre bus au- siliari ( Aux Send ), si possono collegare varie linee di monitor in modo da poter regolare singolarmente o escludere totalmente gli strumenti per ogni linea di monitor. One path continues through the remaining channel controls, while the other path is routed to another aux - send hus and out of the mixer to an external device. Because this path splits after the EQ and channel fader, it is called a postfader aux send. The EQ usually precedes the channel fader, so a postfader send is also .
The first one is meant for a monitor, and the second for an external effect. My question concerns the placement of these auxiliaries in the tracks: the first one leaves .
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